jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

Drawing Salvador Dalí

Dalí is for me the last genius of s.xx and xxi. Starting from his excellent technique he managed to create a world of his own, but what fascinates me most is his intelligence.
He understood like no one before that the image was the most important of an artist and created one of himself.

 This is the reason why I wanted to give Don Salvador a tribute, especially to his phrase "Talk about me, good or bad, but the important thing is that they speak", because many years have passed and we continue talking about him.

I recommend reading his books because then you will understand better the genius and not just the image of crazy sold.

I say goodbye and I leave you two videos of how I did the job, I hope you enjoy them the same as I enjoyed doing the portrait.

viernes, 26 de junio de 2015

Realistic portrait of Tyrion Lannister ( Game of thrones )

Who is not a fan of Game of Thrones or who has not heard about it? Im one of those who is looking forward to the coming season. What better than to make a portrait of one of my favorite character?

This is the final result. It is made using pens, charcoal and canson paper and its measures are 60cm x 50cm.

Here you have the process pictures

I hope you like it and if you have any questions or suggestions do not hesitate to ask.